3/1月 駒場STS研究会



Robert Evans and Harry Collins, 2007, "Expertise: From Attribute to Attribution and Back Again?" The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, pp. 609-630.

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (The MIT Press)

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (The MIT Press)

  • 作者: Edward J. Hackett,Olga Amsterdamska,Michael E. Lynch,Judy Wajcman,Sergio Sismondo,Stephen Turner,Charles Thorpe,Bruno Latour,Adele E. Clarke,Susan Leigh Star,Lucy Suchman,Sally Wyatt,Warwick Anderson,Vincanne Adams,William Keith,William Rehg,Miriam Solomon,Ronald N. Giere,Park Doing,Regula Burri,Joseph Dumit,Christopher R. Henke,Thomas F. Gieryn,Cyrus C. M. Mody,David Kaiser,Henry Etzkowitz,Stefan Fuchs,Namrata Gupta,Carol Kemelgor,Marina Ranga,Steven Shapin,Massimiano Bucchi,Federico Neresini,David J. Hess,Steve Breyman,Nancy Campbell,Brian Martin,Steven Epstein,Nelly Oudshoorn,Trevor Pinch,Deborah G. Johnson,Jameson M. Wetmore,Alan Irwin,Robert Evans,Harry Collins,Susan E. Cozzens,Sonia Gatchair,Kyung-sup Kim,Gonzalo Ordóñez,Anupit Supnithadnaporn,Jennifer L. Croissant,Laurel Smith-Doerr,Philip Mirowski,Esther-Mirjam Sent,Andrew Lakoff,Brian Rappert,Brian Balmer,John Stone,Adam Hedgecoe,Paul Martin,Linda F. Hogle,Margaret Lock,Alex Preda,Steven Yearley,Pablo J. Boczkowski,Leah A. Lievrouw,Daniel Barben,Anne Beaulieu,Erik Fisher,Jenny Fry,David H. Guston,Iina Hellsten,Sheila Jasanoff,Cynthia Selin,Andrea Scharnhorst,Katie Vann,Paul Wouters,Matt Ratto,Wiebe E. Bijker
  • 出版社/メーカー: The MIT Press
  • 発売日: 2007/09/28
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • 購入: 2人 クリック: 32回
  • この商品を含むブログ (13件) を見る

Susan Cozzens and Edward J. Woodhouse, "Science, Government, and the Politics of Knowledge" The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Revised edition, pp. 533-553.

Handbook of Science and Technology Studies

Handbook of Science and Technology Studies

1. STSの基本をおさえる。
2. 研究のテーマをしぼる。
3. 難しい本を読む。